Learn More About Residences Listed In The Arlington Area
It’s a good idea to learn all you can about real estate in Northern VA when you’re deliberating the possibility of buying a new property such as 1730 Arlington Blvd #306.
Real Estate Bits of Information About The Arlington Area
- The median age of homes in the Arlington area is 41 years. 1730 Arlington Blvd #306 is 62 years old.
- The Arlington Area has an average price per square foot of $513
. In contrast, 1730 Arlington Blvd #306 is $436 per sqft.
- The average days on market in the Arlington area is 58 days.
- The average living area in the Arlington area is 1,636 sqft. On the other hand, 1730 Arlington Blvd #306 has 685 sqft of living area.
- Did you know that brick is the most common type of exterior in the Arlington area?
900 N Taylor St #705 is the
least expensive home in the Arlington area.
900 N Taylor St #705 is listed for $65,000. Still,
1111 19th St N #2901 is the
highest-priced home in the Arlington area.
1111 19th St N #2901 is asking $7,950,000.
As a matter of fact, this info is deemed accurate but not guaranteed. But, this information will change. What is true and accurate today, 06/08/2022, will not be entirely accurate tomorrow or the day before. Check with Monika Ortiz for the latest real estate data from the Arlington area or for about information about residences similar to 1730 Arlington Blvd #306.
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