Real Estate Sales & Rental Info At And Around [Location]

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4165 S Four Mile Run Dr #102, Arlington VA 22204 Listed

What Are Residences Like At Shirlington In 22204 in Arlington?

Getting a dwelling in the Arlington market is challenging, but working with Stuart Nesbitt makes the process as painless and straightforward as possible. We'd love to help you find your next home. Contact us if any of these converted dwelling homes like 4165 S Four Mile Run Dr #102 interest you. Indeed, many home hunters might be surprised by what this property has to offer. Continue reading "4165 S Four Mile Run Dr #102, Arlington VA 22204 Listed"
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$740,000 :: 3 Bedroom In 22206 In Arlington County At Shirlington

3600 25th St S is located in Arlington County. Not everybody is cut out to own a modest detached home in 22206 in Arlington, and if you're one of those people, it's better to find this out now than when you're under contract. Nesbitt Realty can give you an honest and objective assessment of your situation and goals to help you determine whether you should buy in 22206 in Arlington. Photo of 3600 25th St S The listing agent represents the seller. Nesbitt Realty is a buyer's Realtor specializing in buyers who need to buy in 22206. Continue reading "$740,000 :: 3 Bedroom In 22206 In Arlington County At Shirlington"
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Arlington Area Real Estate Inventory Report

Real estate inventory data, what's sold and facts about Arlington area real estate as of 06/07/2023

Are you looking for places for sale in Arlington area? Of course, it's a smart idea to learn more about Arlington area real estate. If so, you will most likely be surprised by what is happening in Arlington area real estate. See below for more data about the current state of the Arlington area real estate market, including
  • what's recently sold in the Arlington area
  • what's currently for sale in the Arlington area
  • facts about Arlington real estate
Our agents are happy to serve your Arlington area real estate needs. Continue reading "Arlington Area Real Estate Inventory Report"
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2814-C S Wakefield St #C, Arlington Real Estate Update

{Age_Adjective caps=true} {Size_Adjective caps=true} {Beds}-Bedroom $380,000 ⁞ Arlington Virginia 22206

2814-C S Wakefield St #C in 22206 in Arlington County may be a most suitable neighborhood for some buyers. But, you'll want to get some basic points about the area to know if this is the condo for you.

The Arlington Area Basics

  • The average days on market in the Arlington area is 132 days.
  • The average living area in the Arlington area is 1,776 sqft. But, 2814-C S Wakefield St #C has 755 sqft of living area.
  • The Arlington Area has an average price per square foot of $522 . On the other hand, 2814-C S Wakefield St #C is $503 per sqft.
  • Did you know that brick is the most common type of exterior in the Arlington area?
  • 900 N Taylor St #1424 is the least expensive home in the Arlington area. 900 N Taylor St #1424 is listed for $1,100. However, 3173 20th St N is the highest-priced home in the Arlington area. 3173 20th St N is asking $4,195,000.
  • The median age of homes in the Arlington area is 39 years. 2814-C S Wakefield St #C is 72 years old.
Indeed, this information is deemed accurate but not guaranteed. But, this data will change.  What is true and accurate today, 11/25/2022, will not be entirely accurate tomorrow or the day before. Check with Stuart Nesbitt for the latest real estate info from the Arlington area or for information about properties like 2814-C S Wakefield St #C. Continue reading "2814-C S Wakefield St #C, Arlington Real Estate Update"
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Arlington Area Real Estate Inventory Update

Facts and data about the current state of the real estate market in Arlington area as of 08/26/2022

Are you looking for residences on the market in Arlington area? Of course, it's a smart idea to learn more about Arlington area real estate. If so, you will possibly be impressed by what is happening in the Arlington area real estate market. See below for more info about the current state of the Arlington area real estate market, including
  • what's recently sold in the Arlington area
  • real estate inventory data
  • what's currently for sale in the Arlington area
Our agents are happy to serve your Arlington area real estate needs. Continue reading "Arlington Area Real Estate Inventory Update"
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