Prices And Pictures Of in Arlington County Virginia 22201 :: $2,574,995
What do you want to pay for a new residence? How much can you afford to pay? 1814 N Danville St Arlington VA 22201 is about 76 years old. This home has 3,684 sqft of above grade living area. It's advertised for $2,574,995. If you're exploring a purchase of your options in 22201 in Arlington County and your property buying budget is circa $2,550,000, you may want to talk to Julie Nesbitt about what's available in the Arlington area.
Prime Location in Lyon Village, 1.5 miles to DC, minutes from Clarendon Metro station, other public transportation, and sought-after Arlington schools and parks. This charming Craftsman style home boasts 6 Bedrooms and 5 1/2 Baths. The main ... [Read more]
$2,574,995 :: 6 BR :: 5 BA :: 1 HB :: 3,684 SQFT ::
Arlington 22201 VA
Updated information about
1814 N Danville St ::
Lyon Village ::
Arlington ::
22201 ::
Arlington Home Buying Tips
Julie's suggestions of the day for buyers looking at 1814 N Danville St in Arlington
1814 N Danville St will set you back $2,574,995 if you want to purchase in Arlington County. On the other hand, mortgage payments let you build equity ownership interest in your place of residence in Arlington County. In Arlington County, homes are typically 76 years old. Julie Nesbitt's hope is to be the best Realtor possible by serving the public with the highest integrity and with a fulsome work ethic.
More Listings Comparable To 1814 N Danville St
Julie Nesbitt can help you, if you would like to inspect 1814 N Danville St or any of the detached homes below. Not to mention, if needed, Julie can provide details and more information.
Nesbitt Realty is a tiny real estate business serving Arlington, Virginia.
As a property seeker you can deduct your property taxes, and many of the costs involved in buying a detached home in Arlington County. Ask
Julie Nesbitt to explain the benefits of buying. She can help.