$869,000 Listed For Sale At 1000 N Randolph St #801 In Arlington County
1000 N Randolph St #801 is just listed and looks like a good buy in many ways. But it's not important to Nesbitt Realty that our client buys this home, or any particular Contemporary condo in 22201 in Arlington County. Rather, it's more important to our agents that we do what's right for our client. As a purchaser, you have a lot of choices to make about what's important to you.
Your home purchase is your opportunity to find that one unique property for you. But to get what you want, you need to know what you want.
Do you need to think about resale value? Do you know what residences have sold for in this area? Here's what has
Recently sold at Berkeley At Ballston. How much space do you need? How much space do you want? The average sized home in
Berkeley At Ballston is 1,340. How much space do you need? How much space do you want? The average sized home in
Berkeley At Ballston is 1,340.
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