Real Estate Sales & Rental Info At And Around [Location]

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1600 N Oak St #224, Arlington VA 22209 Listed

{Price_Adjective caps=true} {Beds}-Bedroom $445,000 ⁝ Arlington VA 22209

1600 N Oak St #224 is appears to be a wise purchase for many reasons. But Nesbitt Realty is not recommending you buy this home, or any particular property in Arlington, Virginia ... at least, not until your agent know your goals. It's more important to me that we find the perfect home for you. You have a lot of choices in Arlington County. As a buyer, you have a lot of choices to make about what's important to you.

What may be a benefit to you, could be a downside for another buyer. What are your preferences?

Is the cooling system important to you? Did you know that this neighborhood's most common cool systems are central a/c? Do you need a handicap accessible home? Or maybe, you like steps? Do you have specific paint colors? Or, do you want to paint and pick your own colors? Continue reading "1600 N Oak St #224, Arlington VA 22209 Listed"
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2310 14th St N #2, Arlington VA 22201 Listed

$425,000 || Arlington VA 22201

All buyers have a list of wishes, wants and needs, but everything on that list is bounded by the home hunter's prequalified spending limit. 2310 14th St N #2 is in Arlington, Virginia and has been selling for 1 days. This property has 670 sqft of above grade living area. The seller is asking $425,000. Depending upon your budget, you may want to ponder 2310 14th St N #2, Arlington VA which is listed for $425,000. Continue reading "2310 14th St N #2, Arlington VA 22201 Listed"
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901 N Monroe St #Ph01, Arlington VA 22201 For Sale

$1,300,000 |-| Arlington VA 22201 - Comparables and Suggestions

Is it crazy to pay $1,300,000 for a super luxury late 20th-century place of residence like 901 N Monroe St #Ph01 in 22201 in Arlington County? In addition, you might need to leave the area after you've purchased the penthouse. On the other hand, Stuart Nesbitt can help you sell the home or rent it out. You may find that the home you purchased becomes a great investment. In addition, there are other dangers which can be challenging to overcome.  In contrast, a real estate professional like Stuart can manage and overcome problems  associated with buying a penthouse in Arlington, Virginia. Continue reading "901 N Monroe St #Ph01, Arlington VA 22201 For Sale"
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851 N Glebe Rd #1121, Arlington VA 22203 Listed For Sale

Home at Ballston

How much do you want to pay for your new condo? 851 N Glebe Rd #1121 Arlington VA 22203 is in Ballston and the 22203 Zip code and is currently advertised for sale for $535,000. This condo has 953 sqft of above grade living area. If you've set your budget about $550,000 and you're looking in Arlington you may want to call Stuart Nesbitt to take a closer look at 851 N Glebe Rd #1121. Continue reading "851 N Glebe Rd #1121, Arlington VA 22203 Listed For Sale"
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1600 Clarendon Blvd #W403, Arlington VA 22209 For Sale

Useful Reasons For Condo Buyers Shopping In The Arlington Area

1600 Clarendon Blvd #W403 in 22209 may be a dream neighborhood for some buyers. In contrast, you'll want to get some basic considerations about the area to know if this is the condo for you.

Real Estate Elements About Arlington County

  • The median age of homes in Arlington County is 36 years. 1600 Clarendon Blvd #W403 is 14 years old.
  • Arlington County has an average price per square foot of $903 . Conversely, 1600 Clarendon Blvd #W403 is $988 per sqft.
  • The average days on market in Arlington County is 70 days.
  • The average living area in Arlington County is 1,520 sqft. But, 1600 Clarendon Blvd #W403 has 859 sqft of living area.
  • Did you know that brick is the most common type of exterior in Arlington County?
900 N Taylor St #1009 is the least expensive home in Arlington County. 900 N Taylor St #1009 is listed for $77,000. Still, 3a N Ridgeview Rd is the highest-priced home in Arlington County. 3a N Ridgeview Rd is asking $3,800,000. What is more, this info is deemed accurate but not guaranteed. But even so, this information will change.  What is true and accurate today, 08/27/2021, will not be entirely accurate tomorrow or the day before. Check with Will Nesbitt for the latest real estate info from Arlington County about residences comparable to 1600 Clarendon Blvd #W403. Continue reading "1600 Clarendon Blvd #W403, Arlington VA 22209 For Sale"
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Surprising Proposals For Purchasers Searching For A Modest Choice Property

If you are seeking an intriguing modest choice property, 2400 Clarendon Blvd #316 should probably be on your list. But it's not the only modest choice property you'll want to contemplate in Arlington, Virginia. Julie Nesbitt can provide more information about 2400 Clarendon Blvd #316 and provide a tour for qualified buyers. Reach out to Julie Nesbitt to learn more. This condo selling at 2400 Clarendon Blvd #316 now might be the answer to a lot of questions. Continue reading "Surprising Proposals For Purchasers Searching For A Modest Choice Property"

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